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The latest in operational and digital transformation through people.


Employee engagement: Going the extra mile

Do your employees feel a connection in the workplace? If not, consider the following: Towers Perrin research reports companies that have engaged employees report a 6% higher net profit margin. In addition, Kenexa research concludes that engaged companies have shareholder returns that are five times higher over the course of five years.

Oil & Gas: Managing constant change

Organizations dealing with rapid changes are often plagued with inconsistencies that limit production and produce erratic results. So why not devise a plan to stop wasteful practices and become more productive? Sounds easy enough, however gaining employee acceptance of a new approach can be extremely challenging. Two key elements must be considered for a large-scale project such as this to be a viable option: behaviors and change management.

Mining sector seeks solutions from other industries

Jul 31, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news, change, mining | 0 Comments

Mining firms must transform in order to survive and they have begun to take inspiration from factory floors.

Through cost-cutting exercises or point solutions many companies have sacrificed productivity in exchange for growth and revenue, and the result hasn't been ideal,

Broad changes needed for mining and metals companies

Jul 31, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news, change, mining, productivity | 0 Comments
Productivity is the most significant business risk facing mining and metals companies today, according to a recent EY report.

Mergers and Acquisitions: the ultimate challenge

Mergers and acquisitions represent the ultimate challenge for any business -- no other event is more difficult, challenging or chaotic. A bad merger can leave a tarnished legacy where problematic cultural and process issues define the organization.

Health care: Efficient operations are vital

Every year hospitals waste millions of dollars on misused or overused items, such as disposables, general supplies, laundry, uniforms and food. Changing a wasteful culture starts with identifying and correcting processes that that are detrimental to the inventory management process. However, this type of change is easier said than done. It is often difficult for hospital executives to implement a new framework of operations on every floor – they neither have the time nor the resources to execute a plan of this size and scope.

Banking success hinges on customer service

It seems obvious enough that excellent customer service is something every bank, or any public-facing business for that matter, should strive for. With so many options for customers to choose from, customer service is the "x-factor" that banks need to stand out from the crowd. To the average person, banks all look the same from the outside, but it's what's on the inside that will keep them coming back for more.

Pharmaceuticals: The rules of engagement have changed

Due to the influx of patients caused by health care reform, doctors barely have enough time to see patients let alone pharmaceutical sales reps. Since the chances of spending quality time in front of a doctor are now few and far between,

What's the Big Data Deal?

Jun 03, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  advisors, CEO, behavior, change, big data, IT | 1 Comment

The term “big data” is getting a lot of attention these days, but for all the wrong reasons. In theory, the concept of big data analytics – acquiring systems to analyze large quantities of data – makes sense for businesses inundated with information.

Charting a course for success

Over the years, many chief executives have voiced their frustration with the process of transforming a vision into reality. One CEO in particular compared it to a high-performance sports car without any gas. By the same token, the "fuel" is often missing from an executive's ability to drive multiple initiatives that move a company forward. The key is overcoming gaps that exist between a company's current state and desired future state.

Is there a secret to outstanding customer service?


The CEO of a retail banking firm wished he knew the answer to this question. At the time, he was very dissatisfied with the service levels across his network of more than 1,000 branches. An employee survey and root cause analysis revealed that 88% of staff felt

How can my operations be more consistent?

Recently, a CEO asked us why his attempts to replicate the success of his top performing site in other locations were not working. Product and processes were mostly the same, so what was preventing this from happening?

Ensuring sustainable results by engaging employees

 The Power of People Solutions™

People Solutions™ comprises all the activities that support an Alexander Proudfoot project in order to determine what actions must occur to ensure lasting change.

CEO Mortality


Our recently published article, Surviving CEO turnover: Delivering solid results to shareholders, addressed this same topic, and since it is the number one existential question facing each occupant of the Chief Executive’s office, we thought it worthwhile to address it again in a little more depth.

Delivering change successfully

Understanding why so many change programs fail is an important step in driving successful change.

Surviving CEO turnover

Multiple factors are combining to intensify the pressures on chief executives to realize the full potential of their business within shorter and shorter time frames. Faced with this reality, the challenges facing every chief executive are daunting. And yet, in
spite of the rising tide of change at the top, many regularly and consistently execute their strategy with precision and flair to deliver solid results for the company and their stakeholders.

Affordable Care Act: Are You Ready?

Get our readiness assessment summaries here

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has dramatically changed the landscape for participants in the healthcare marketplace.

Mineworker competency and proficiency

A workable solution to alleviate the stresses from the constricted talent pool
by Jon Wylie, COO Global Mining and Metals, Alexander Proudfoot

The shortage of skilled labour is now the second most critical issue affecting the sector. As companies, especially those in the emerging markets look to start new projects or ramp up existing ones, the severely constricted talent pool is increasingly putting projects at risk.

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