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Proudfoot News

The latest in operational and digital transformation through people.


Branco Kuznar

From Spain, I'm North American Marketing Director focusing on fostering customer relationships. I leverage my engineering and business education to collaborate with all facets of business teams.

Recent Posts

8 important steps to make safe operations your DNA

Organizations can help people apply safety consciousness at the point of execution – the main source of real safety and operation issues.

The essential shift from safety programs to safe operations

SAFETY IS A STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL IMPERATIVE. Traditionally, organizations separated safety from operations and approached it strictly as a standalone issue. However, the concept of safe operations is about changing the way that people approach their jobs to improve the level of safety and productivity within an organization.

Beyond waste removal and cost reduction - three key elements of Proudfoot’s redefined Lean

Yes, we agree that Lean, Six-Sigma and TQM have served the industry well.

For decades, these approaches have helped companies save millions. But in order to succeed in the decades to come, a new approach is needed to meet the new challenge – sustainable growth. For many, growth has been a top priority, yet this core driver is typically not part of the mix in traditional lean thinking.

Global Cement Magazine on operational transformation in the global cement industry

Producers, whether big or small, are trying to become leaner. Angus Maclean, VP at Proudfoot, explains how cement producers achieve cost reductions of 5 USD/ton.

Manufacturing: What your C-suite peers are doing to tackle their top 5 challenges

Around the world, Proudfoot executives engage weekly with leading Chief Executives to share views on challenges impacting their business.

We collect and analyze this data for firsthand insight into business conditions companies are currently experiencing, and the approaches and initiatives they are pursuing as they respond to these conditions.

Automotive: What your C-suite peers are doing to tackle their top 5 challenges

Around the world, Proudfoot executives engage weekly with leading Chief Executives to share views on challenges impacting their business.

We collect and analyze this data for firsthand insight into business conditions companies are currently experiencing, and the approaches and initiatives they are pursuing as they respond to these conditions.

Consumer Goods: What your C-suite peers are doing to tackle their top 5 challenges

Around the world, Proudfoot executives engage weekly with leading Chief Executives to share views on challenges impacting their business.

We collect and analyze this data for firsthand insight into business conditions companies are currently experiencing, and the approaches and initiatives they are pursuing as they respond to these conditions.

Falling into the trap of initiative overload

Aug 01, 2016  |  Branco Kuznar  |  initiatives | 0 Comments

Initiative overload is common in nearly every organization. Today, companies always seem to be juggling a multitude of projects simultaneously. And while each of these projects surely had the best of intentions, as more projects are added the more likely they are to be dropped. For every new initiative launched, another one slows down or ceases altogether.

Improving G&A performance

With so many moving parts, it can be challenging to get G&A functions in synch. Indirect costs — those not directly linked to operations — are not normally addressed with the same discipline and rigor as direct costs.

Setting the wheels of change in motion

Nov 23, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  advisors, CEO, people, leadership, change | 0 Comments

As the old saying goes, the only constant in business is change. Inevitably, all organizations will at some point need to evolve by implementing a more structured and radical change program. There are several reasons for this including increased competition, lack of stakeholder confidence, reputation of the business at stake and technological advances.

Closing the execution gap

An interview with former Chevron President, Ray Wilcox

As the petrochemical industry adapts to the current business environment, many in the upper echelons of the business are relying on operational excellence (OE) strategies to become more efficient.

Lending a helping hand to the community

May 07, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news, community | 0 Comments

On April 17, Alexander Proudfoot set out to lend a helping hand in the community. In conjunction with the United Way, the team spent the day at Senior Connections – a resource center for senior citizens.

Leaders in supply chain improvement. [infographic]

Supply chain improvements can generate up to 3.5% savings in total operating costs. Currently, many business leaders are focusing on major initiatives to improve theirs. We took a deeper look to evaluate the main trends on this topic. See the results in this infographic.



CEOs orchestrating
executive alignment

Mar 27, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  advisors, alignment | 0 Comments

CEOs from around the globe recently touched on how important it is for senior executives to be able to predict a future state that not only rewards investors, but also lays the foundation for a strong customer base. The decision to move in any given direction should be unanimous. Otherwise, the chances of successfully driving necessary change initiatives are greatly diminished.

Sales stimulates
organic growth

Most sales organizations consistently fall short

A common problem among CEOs is sales organizations that overpromise and underdeliver. Our past experience shows that executives often struggle to transform their sales force into a high-performing, customer-centric team. One mistake we typically see is the tendency for executives to depend heavily on a select few top-performers to carry the sales load.

Manufacturers nationwide focusing on jobs, skilled workers

With January's job numbers to be released soon by the Labor Department, economist are expecting to see the economy improve by the unemployment rate dropping again. Presently, the jobless rate in the United States is 5.6 percent, an eight-year low.

One of Proudfoot's own featured in the Atlanta Business Chronicle

Feb 04, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news | 0 Comments

Congratulations to Joni House for being featured in this week's Atlanta Business Chronicle. The article "House takes a leap with career, life" is in the People on the Move section and highlights House's perseverance over the years; overcoming her personal fears to find her true calling -- helping others. In addition to the variety of business challenges she faces every day,

Big Data Hype

Jan 28, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  0 Comments

It appears that some CEOs risk diverting their attention towards big data at a time when existing information is not entirely managed effectively. No company is short of data, but in many instances current reporting does not support strategic decision making. Many existing systems capture too much of the wrong information and not at the right interval or level of frequency; severely limiting the company’s ability to respond readily to changing circumstances.

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