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Proudfoot News

The latest in operational and digital transformation through people.


Aerial Mapping

What is Enterprise Aerial Mapping (EAM)? Proudfoot CEO, Pamela Hackett discusses the importance of implementing the wall-to-wall, bottom-up look at your business, both good and bad, through a people-first-focused lens.

Transformation Masterclass - Change by Choice

Pamela Hackett, Proudfoot CEO discussing how to create change by choice within your organization. How do you get your transformation programs to succeed? She will be leading a Masterclass on Transformation during an invitation-only Knowledge Exchange at 1 pm, CST on the 29th at the Future of Mining Conference Americas in Denver, CO.

What if you could deliver on the digital promise?

Let me put my cards on the table. I talk to Amazon's Alexa in the kitchen. I can control my heating, lights and blinds from anywhere in the world, much to my wife's annoyance.

I wish it was that simple

Great Idea!
Just up the road from the office is a Starbucks. It has recently been refurbished, and by the door a new recycling bin has appeared. Clearly marked are the specific holes for the cups (empty and upside down please), the plastic lids, the sleeves, any liquid, and other waste – I assume half eaten pieces of cake, napkins and so on.

Maintenance makes the wheels go round

At the weekends I like to escape the some of day-to-day pressures of work by riding a bike.  Whether it be a short ride, or a long one, the metronomic focus on pedalling efficiency is a wonderful tonic to today’s connected world.

Is operational consulting still relevant in the digital world?

Last year I left a large-scale systems integrator to take up the role of UK Managing Director for Proudfoot, an Operational Consulting firm, with a proud 75 year history. Before moving, I thought long and hard about the relevance of operational consulting in the digital world, after all isn’t so much of what we now do influenced by technology? 

Setting the wheels of change in motion

Nov 23, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  advisors, CEO, people, leadership, change | 0 Comments

As the old saying goes, the only constant in business is change. Inevitably, all organizations will at some point need to evolve by implementing a more structured and radical change program. There are several reasons for this including increased competition, lack of stakeholder confidence, reputation of the business at stake and technological advances.

Oil projects on hold... when possible

Reaching $50 a barrel was quite a landmark, however some traders are already betting on $20/barrel futures. Industry giants, such as Shell, Premier Oil, Statoil and Canadian Natural Resources, are now abandoning billions of dollars in exploration drilling projects. This current trend has caused a great deal of scrutiny towards capital spending across the energy sector.

A thriving ecosystem for change

Jan 16, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  people, behavior, leadership, change, fish, pond | 0 Comments

Achieving significant improvement in financial and operational results requires the following elements that promote organizational change:

Taming wild costs

Based on our past experience with clients, most internal cost-cutting initiatives are short-term and do not have a significant impact on an organization’s P&L. Once it is evident these initiatives are not viable, executives typically reconsider, abandon or relaunch them at a later date. Delays like these result in lost opportunities and missed chances to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Innovation and growth are easier said than done


Corporations are bound by the rules of short-term earnings. It is a vicious cycle that repeats itself every quarter and consumes a significant amount of an executive's time. During this short window of time, the goal is to produce consistent and predictable results that will, in turn, deliver a strong share price and a higher valuation. In order to keep up, priorities typically shift to the day-to-day execution of operations 

Blinded by complacency

In recent discussions with several former C-suite executives, we had a chance to ask them why internal teams typically struggle to accelerate performance initiatives when the opportunity arises. David Eldon, former Chief Executive and Chairman of HSBC said, “Internal improvement teams can deliver good value, but are subject to a number of drawbacks.” 

Unsafe operations to blame for recent spike in fatalities

Safety nowadays is just as relevant in the oil and gas industry as it was 10 years ago. And, while the industry continues to make great strides to reduce the amount of job-related injuries, the reality is the same safety policies and procedures that have been in place for years are simply not enough to prevent fatalities. Based on our depth of experience working with oil and gas executives,

Mining companies fail to use equipment, resources effectively

Sep252014_Mining-UnderutilizationThe ability to run operations at full capacity, and then sustain them, is a major challenge for the mining industry. Vital tasks, such as crushing and transferring minerals, are suffering because people and equipment are not being utilized properly. The end result is low productivity and the high costs that are associated with it. However, our recent findings show that it in many cases it is possible to increase productivity in mining between 20 - 40%, reduce supply costs between 10 - 15% and cut energy costs by 2 - 10% through effective asset management.

Natural resources talent in short supply

Knowledge transfer a must

In the natural resources industry, companies are faced with the daunting challenge of maintaining current production levels despite an industry-wide shortage of skilled workers. For example, the lack of college graduates specializing in mining operations

Insurers adapt to change


It seems that the only constant in the insurance industry these days is change. The emergence of new technology and “big data” are altering the way insurance carriers conduct business. Long gone is the time where people relied on an agent to buy an insurance policy.

Accelerating productivity


In several of our recent engagements we have witnessed first-hand the enormous amount of pressure on CEOs to meet the stringent demands of both stakeholders and customers. One such demand that continues to be a top priority for executives is employee productivity.

Will falling trade revenue break the bank?

Many major banks are suffering declines in trading revenue amid an environment of tranquil markets and stringent regulations.

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