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The essential shift from safety programs to safe operations

SAFETY IS A STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL IMPERATIVE. Traditionally, organizations separated safety from operations and approached it strictly as a standalone issue. However, the concept of safe operations is about changing the way that people approach their jobs to improve the level of safety and productivity within an organization.

Taking steps to minimize risk

Nov 06, 2015  |  Mark Gravett  |  risk, CEO, risk management, crisis | 0 Comments

In the aftermath of a high-profile corporate crisis, it is a foregone conclusion that chief executives must respond quickly to avoid further backlash. However, according to the HBR article Strategy: How to Live with Risks, a recent survey shows 60% of corporate strategy officers said that their company's decision-making process is too slow and that 91% of these companies plan to reprioritize risk management in the next three years. So what can senior executives do to prepare, or better yet avoid a highly combustible situation?

Unsafe operations to blame for recent spike in fatalities

Safety nowadays is just as relevant in the oil and gas industry as it was 10 years ago. And, while the industry continues to make great strides to reduce the amount of job-related injuries, the reality is the same safety policies and procedures that have been in place for years are simply not enough to prevent fatalities. Based on our depth of experience working with oil and gas executives,

Natural resources talent in short supply

Knowledge transfer a must

In the natural resources industry, companies are faced with the daunting challenge of maintaining current production levels despite an industry-wide shortage of skilled workers. For example, the lack of college graduates specializing in mining operations

Risk management

In light of a series of recent high-profile corporate crises, CEOs know they need to act. Survey data appears to support this with many CEOs revealing they are planning major change in this area. And yet another survey reports that many have appeared to baulk at active personal intervention.

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