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The latest in operational and digital transformation through people.


Branco Kuznar

From Spain, I'm North American Marketing Director focusing on fostering customer relationships. I leverage my engineering and business education to collaborate with all facets of business teams.

Recent Posts

Oil projects on hold... when possible

Reaching $50 a barrel was quite a landmark, however some traders are already betting on $20/barrel futures. Industry giants, such as Shell, Premier Oil, Statoil and Canadian Natural Resources, are now abandoning billions of dollars in exploration drilling projects. This current trend has caused a great deal of scrutiny towards capital spending across the energy sector.

How manufacturers can get their workers more engaged

Many workers in the manufacturing sector don't really care about what their company's mission is, suggesting that employees aren't engaged as they ought to be.

A thriving ecosystem for change

Jan 16, 2015  |  Branco Kuznar  |  people, behavior, leadership, change, fish, pond | 0 Comments

Achieving significant improvement in financial and operational results requires the following elements that promote organizational change:

Innovation and growth are easier said than done


Corporations are bound by the rules of short-term earnings. It is a vicious cycle that repeats itself every quarter and consumes a significant amount of an executive's time. During this short window of time, the goal is to produce consistent and predictable results that will, in turn, deliver a strong share price and a higher valuation. In order to keep up, priorities typically shift to the day-to-day execution of operations 

'Tis the season to be giving…

This December, Alexander Proudfoot set out to make the holiday shine brighter for children in need. In a joint effort with the United Way of Greater Atlanta, we provided gifts for the children of the Lilian Webb Learning Center.

Blinded by complacency

In recent discussions with several former C-suite executives, we had a chance to ask them why internal teams typically struggle to accelerate performance initiatives when the opportunity arises. David Eldon, former Chief Executive and Chairman of HSBC said, “Internal improvement teams can deliver good value, but are subject to a number of drawbacks.” 

Supply chain can effectively impact working capital

International Foundry Forum, Venice, September 2014

Alexander Proudfoot’s Head of Global Supply Chain, Jaymie Forrest was a keynote speaker at the International Foundry Forum’s annual trade summit on the 26-27th September 2014 in Venice, Italy.

Natural Resources Summit, London, September 8th 2014

Sep 14, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  london, news, mining, summit | 0 Comments

Our Natural Resources Practice recently hosted a Summit Meeting in London that culminated in a dinner with guest speakers Jim Gowans, Co-President of Barrick Gold and Steve Mueller, President and CEO Southwestern Energy. With natural resource extraction undergoing a fundamental transformation,

Employee engagement: Going the extra mile

Do your employees feel a connection in the workplace? If not, consider the following: Towers Perrin research reports companies that have engaged employees report a 6% higher net profit margin. In addition, Kenexa research concludes that engaged companies have shareholder returns that are five times higher over the course of five years.

Oil & Gas: Managing constant change

Organizations dealing with rapid changes are often plagued with inconsistencies that limit production and produce erratic results. So why not devise a plan to stop wasteful practices and become more productive? Sounds easy enough, however gaining employee acceptance of a new approach can be extremely challenging. Two key elements must be considered for a large-scale project such as this to be a viable option: behaviors and change management.

Mining sector seeks solutions from other industries

Jul 31, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news, change, mining | 0 Comments

Mining firms must transform in order to survive and they have begun to take inspiration from factory floors.

Through cost-cutting exercises or point solutions many companies have sacrificed productivity in exchange for growth and revenue, and the result hasn't been ideal,

Broad changes needed for mining and metals companies

Jul 31, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news, change, mining, productivity | 0 Comments
Productivity is the most significant business risk facing mining and metals companies today, according to a recent EY report.

Banking: Customer value into daily operations

Retail banking has its fair share of problems. What is clear is that when things go wrong, it is not because banks fail to comply with regulatory rules – the business model, company culture or business practices are usually to blame.

Mergers and Acquisitions: the ultimate challenge

Mergers and acquisitions represent the ultimate challenge for any business -- no other event is more difficult, challenging or chaotic. A bad merger can leave a tarnished legacy where problematic cultural and process issues define the organization.

Global mining firms ran into major difficulties in 2013, says PwC report

Jun 10, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news | 0 Comments

Mining and metals firms across the world suffered some serious challenges in 2013, according to an industry report recently released by global professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Mining investors demand sustainable cost reductions, PwC says

Jun 06, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news | 0 Comments

Investors are demanding the world’s biggest mining companies produce sustainable cost reductions and not just defer spending after the industry’s profit fell to the lowest in a decade, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said.

Hostile M&A jumps to its highest percentage since the financial crisis

Jun 06, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news | 0 Comments

In a move that signals more companies are comfortable taking on more risk in order to expand their operations, corporations are engaging in hostile mergers and acquisitions activity at the highest rate since the recession.

UK productivity among the best in G7 companies, study shows

Jun 06, 2014  |  Branco Kuznar  |  news | 0 Comments

Group Seven countries, which include the world's leading economies outside the U.S., are often lauded for their productivity ratings, and according to one new study, the UK is running in the middle of the pack.

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